The Lancaster Adventist Church exists to help people
Love God, Grow Spiritually, and Serve Others.
We are a group of people desiring to love God and share that love with one another and our community. Diversity of people, ages and gifts are celebrated in our church family. We are a “come as you are” kind of group who desire to care about each other in real and tangible ways: anything from bringing meals to a new mom to helping clean-up someone’s yard who’s not in a position to do so themselves. We aim to celebrate our victories together, carry one another’s burdens, and encourage one another towards love and good deeds.
We believe every person needs a life-changing relationship with Jesus. That relationship with Jesus brings a new experience of life and hope for the future. But that’s not the end of the journey. We come together each week in larger and smaller group settings for worship, teaching, study, service and prayer to continue growing in character – faith, hope and love.
Jesus came to this earth and gave people a taste of what heaven was like through his loving service. We believe that the Church is at its best when it serves, sacrifices, and loves people both inside and outside of the church congregation. Our church provides numerous opportunities to serve others hoping that we too can provide a taste of heaven here on earth.
The Lancaster Adventist Church Family Is…
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The aim of our youth and young adults ministry is to bring students into a progressive, contagious and lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ. All programs and youth activities have this purpose in mind.
Adventist Community Services is the church ministry to serve our community in Christ’s name. This ministry seeks to demonstrate the love of God to people who are in need.
Fax: 661-524-6869
Pastor: Dr. Ed Sammons
Email: edsammons@lancasteradventist.com
Here’s where you’ll find us